Migrate from reCAPTCHA to CaptchaFox

Migrate from reCAPTCHA to CaptchaFox

Upgrading from reCAPTCHA to CaptchaFox only takes a couple of minutes. Refer to the step-by-step guide below for assistance.

Get your CaptchaFox keys

Open the CaptchaFox portal

Create an account (opens in a new tab) or login (opens in a new tab) on the CaptchaFox portal

Locate sitekey

Navigate to the Sites tab in the portal and create a new site. Copy the sitekey listed in the configuration.

Locate secret key

Navigate to the Organization Settings tab in the portal and copy your secret key.

Update client side code

Replace the script tag

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js" async defer></script>


<script src="https://cdn.captchafox.com/api.js" async defer></script>

Update the container element

The class g-recaptcha becomes captchafox

See Widget API for more information about the CaptchaFox attributes.

Update server side code

Update secret key

Use the organization secret key that you obtained in the first step.

Change response token field

g-recaptcha-response becomes cf-captcha-response

Update siteverify URL

Change your calls to the Google siteverify API to the CaptchaFox Endpoint.

https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify or https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api/siteverify



See Verify the Response Token on the Server for more information about the Verification API.

Update libraries

If you use a specific library for your frontend or backend you can switch to one of our pre-built integrations.

React.js@captchafox/react (opens in a new tab)
Vue.js@captchafox/vue (opens in a new tab)
Angular@captchafox/angular (opens in a new tab)
Solid.js@captchafox/solid (opens in a new tab)
Node@captchafox/node (opens in a new tab)